Thursday 9 May 2013

Working gun made with 3D printer fully explained.

The world's first gun made with 3D printer technology has been successfully fired in the US.
The controversial group which created the firearm, Defense Distributed, plans to make the blueprints available online.
The group has spent a year trying to create the firearm, which was successfully tested on Saturday at a firing range south of Austin, Texas.
Anti-gun campaigners have criticised the project.
Europe's law enforcement agency said it was monitoring developments.
Victoria Baines, from Europol's cybercrime centre, said that at present criminals were more likely to pursue traditional routes to obtain firearms.
She added, however: "But as time goes on and as this technology becomes more user friendly and more cost effective, it is possible that some of these risks will emerge."
Defense Distributed is headed by Cody Wilson, a 25-year-old law student at the University of Texas.
Mr Wilson said: "I think a lot of people weren't expecting that this could be done."
3D-printed gun partsThe gun was assembled from separate printed components made from ABS plastic - only the firing pin was made from metal
3D printing has been hailed as the future of manufacturing.
The technology works by building up layer upon layer of material - typically plastic - to build complex solid objects.
The idea is that as the printers become cheaper, instead of buying goods from shops, consumers will instead be able to download designs and print out the items at home.
But as with all new technologies, there are risks as well as benefits.
Personal liberties
The gun was made on a 3D printer that cost $8,000 (£5,140) from the online auction site eBay.
It was assembled from separate printed components made from ABS plastic - only the firing pin was made from metal.
Mr Wilson, who describes himself as a crypto-anarchist, said his plans to make the design available were "about liberty".
He told the BBC: "There is a demand of guns - there just is. There are states all over the world that say you can't own firearms - and that's not true anymore.
"I'm seeing a world where technology says you can pretty much be able to have whatever you want. It's not up to the political players any more."
Asked if he felt any sense of responsibility about whose hands the gun might fall into, he told the BBC: "I recognise the tool might be used to harm other people - that's what the tool is - it's a gun.
"But I don't think that's a reason to not do it - or a reason not to put it out there."
Gun control
To make the gun, Mr Wilson received a manufacturing and seller's licence from the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
Donna Sellers, from the ATF, told BBC News that the 3D-printed gun, as long as it was not a National Firearms Act weapon (an automatic gun, for example), was legal in the US.
She said: "[In the US] a person can manufacture a firearm for their own use. However, if they engage in the business of manufacture to sell a gun, they need a licence."
Amid America's ongoing gun debate in the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, US congressman Steve Israel recently called for a ban on 3D guns under the Undetectable Firearms Act.
Groups looking to tighten US gun laws have also expressed concern.
Leah Gunn Barrett, from New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, has said: "These guns could fall into the hands of people who should not have guns - criminals, people who are seriously mentally ill, people who are convicted of domestic violence, even children."
3D printing technology has already been used by some criminal organisations to create card readers - "skimmers" - that are inserted into bank machines.
Many law enforcement agencies around the world now have people dedicated to monitoring cybercrime and emerging technologies such as 3D printers.
Ms Baines from Europol said: "What we know is that technology proceeds much more quickly than we expect it to. So by getting one step ahead of the technological developments, we hope and believe we will be able to get one step ahead of the criminals as well."

Tuesday 7 May 2013

How to delete older messages by auto delete script on gmail- free download..!!!

The presence of Trash and the Spam folders in your Gmail Account makes to face a lots of 
problem in your mail box. Therefore now you can delete automatically your older mails from your mail box. 

To get solution  (Download)

To increase browsing speed in google chrome within few seconds.

Go to tool "option" the "Enable instant for faster searching"

Monday 6 May 2013

10 Hidden android secret codes that you don't know.!!

       In android there are many secret codes which a normal person doesn't know..
Ten top secret codes are given here. This can be done by entering the below given codes.

1) *#06# - IMEI Number
2) *#0*# - Enter the service menu on newer phones like samsung galaxy S3.
3) *#*#4636#*#* - Phone information, usage statistics and battery.
4) *#9090# - Diagnostic configuration.
5) *#*#34971539#*#* - Detailed camera information.
6) *#*#2664#*#* - Test the touch screen.
7) *#*#273282*255*663282*#*# - Immediate back-up of all media files.
8) *#9900# - System dump mode.
9) *2767*3855# - Format device to factory state ( it will delete everything on phone memory)
10) ##7764726 - Hideen service menu for motorola Droid.

Increase your internet speed within few minutes without using software..

Step:1.First of all Go to Run and click " cmd "

Step:2. you type "ipconfig" and copy your ip address.

Step:3.Type ping, space, your ip address and click ok.

After that, you can feel that your internet is faster.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Nokia Lumia 520, The best Cheapest Windows phone 8 ever.!!

Nokia Lumia 520, cheapest Windows Phone 8 mobile, now available in India

Nokia Lumia 520, that was recently unveiled in India as the 'cheapest Windows Phone 8' mobile, is now available for purchase from Nokia's official website and other online as well as offline dealers for Rs. 10,499.
Nokia originally showcased the Lumia 720 and Lumia 520 at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The phones were then launched in the Indian market in March. While the Nokia Lumia 520 is now here, as per company's original statement, the Lumia 720 is expected to be available in mid-April.
Nokia Lumia 520 comes with 4.0-inch WVGA display and is powered by a Snapdragon S4 1GHz dual-core processor alongside 512MB RAM and 8GB internal storage expandable up to 64GB via microSD card. The phone comes with a 5-megapixel rear camera and connectivity options include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and 3G.
The phone comes with a 1,420mAH battery and, of course, runs Windows Phone 8. Lumia 520 measures 119.9 x 64 x 9.9 mm and weighs 124 grams.

Nokia Lumia 520 technical specifications
  • 4.0-inch WVGA display
  • Snapdragon S4 1GHz dual-core processor
  • 512MB RAM
  • 8GB internal storage, expandable up to 64GB via microSD card
  • 5-megapixel rear camera
  • Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G
  • Windows Phone 8
  • 1,420mAH battery
  • 119.9 x 64 x 9.9 mm
  • 124 grams
  • HSDPA 21.1 Mbps; HSUPA 5.76 Mbps.
  • 16 M colours.
  • No flash
  • No front facing camera.
 Scribbles Opened's OVERALL COMMENT :- 
                  Its the best buy phone in min 10,000 budget. Good work by Nokia. The gaming and touch performance is butter smooth.

Thanks to

Samsung Galaxy Note III- Gonna come With 3 GB RAM and stunning processor.

Samsung Galaxy Note III to reportedly come with Exynos 5 Octa-core processor, Mali 450 GPU and 3GB RAM

Now that the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S4 has been done and dusted, the Korean smartphone maker is now focussing on their next flagship device.
We are already hearing a lot of rumours regarding Samsung's plans to launch the Galaxy S4 mini soon and there are also reports suggesting that the Galaxy Note III will debut at the IFA conference in Berlin in August.
SamMobile, is reporting that the next phablet device from Samsung, will come with a Exynos 5 Octa-core processor, Mali 450 GPU with 8 cores and 3 GB of RAM. If this is indeed true than this phablet will sure be worth watching out for in the performance department. The Samsung Galaxy S4 is powered by 1.6GHz Exynos Octa-core processor in some regions, and a 1.9GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor in others. In India it is the 1.6GHz Exynos Octa-core processor variant that has been launched.
The website is also quoting some of its trusted sources in mentioning that Samsung expects that this version of the Note device will also get the same kind of success as one enjoyed by the previous two iterations.
As per rumours, the Samsung Galaxy Note III will feature a 5.99-inch full-HD Super AMOLED display with diamond pixel structure, much like in the Samsung Galaxy S4. Samsung Galaxy Note III will have the same size as the Galaxy Mega 5.8, however, its bezel will be smaller just like in the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy S4.
For camera, Galaxy Note will allegedly have a 13-megapixel rear camera. SamMobile also notes that the Galaxy Note III will run on the latest version of the Android, which will likely be Android 4.3 along with a layer of Touch-Wiz interface.
Earlier rumours have suggested that Samsung will be adopting a plastic OLED display for this phablet. There have also been news reports that suggest that the Korean smartphone maker is planning to have a metal exterior for its Galaxy Note III phablet. However, the purported pictures that have been posted online do not hint at a metallic exterior.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Repairing and Replacing Body Parts

Repairing and Replacing Body Parts- What's Next

Diane Cole
for National Geographic News
Published April 15, 2013

Advances in medical technology have helped us live longer. Now, researchers are exploring ways to repair, refurbish, or replace human organs that have been damaged by chronic disease, traumatic injury, heart attack, stroke, or just plain aging.

"Medicine is saving people who previously we weren't able to save," says Dr. Doris A. Taylor, director of regenerative medicine research at the Texas Heart Institute in Houston.

Even so, demand for donor organs exceeds the number available. "Each year thousands of people die while waiting for an organ," Taylor says. That gap in supply and demand is one factor that has led researchers to ever more innovative treatments; at times these treatments can sound like science fiction come to life.

Here's a look at what repaired and replacement parts are available to patients now, which treatments are undergoing clinical trials, and what medical scientists are working to achieve in the future.


Here's a new take on magnifying glasses: Surgeons can now implant a tiny telescope within the eye, to help restore some of the vision lost to end-stage age-related muscular degeneration (AMD), a disease that affects 1.8 million Americans and is the leading cause of legal blindness for adults age 60 years and older.

The device—which the Food and Drug Administration approved in 2010 and which is becoming more widely available to medical institutions across the country—is implanted via an hour-long outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. It requires about a month of working with an occupational therapist to get used to, says Dr. Mark Mannis, director of the Eye Center at the University of California Davis Health System.

"The reason is that this is not a simple restoration of vision," he says. "It really requires the patient to see in another way, much in the same way that a patient who loses a lower limb and then gets a prosthesis needs to learn how to walk in a new way."

In this case, the patient learns to use one eye—the one with the implant—for detailed vision and the other for peripheral vision.

Regenerative Medicine

As director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Dr. Anthony Atala is researching treatments to repair or restore—or "regenerate"—damaged or failing tissues and organs by using the patient's own cells and healing abilities.

That can mean "boosting" healing by injecting stem cells, or by implanting tissues or organs that have been artificially bio-engineered in the lab starting with stem cells usually harvested from the patient, a strategy that minimizes the risk of the tissues or organs being rejected.

"We're working on about 30 different tissues and organs," Atala says. Already a number of implants have been tried successfully in humans, including knee cartilage, skin, blood vessels, urethras, windpipes (trachea), and bladders. Clinical trials are underway to treat urinary incontinence by implanting cells to help boost functionality of the urinary valve and thus keep patients dry.

Says Atala: "The future is focused on making sure that these technologies can get to as many patients and as many conditions as possible."

"Printing" Body Parts

At Atala's lab and other regenerative medicine research centers, 3-D printing is another experimental strategy being used to build bio-artificial body parts and organs.

"We've printed ear lobes and nose parts and miniature kidneys and skin," he says.

"You are laying [down] the cells one layer at a time, and placing the cells right where you need them," by customizing the different layers to form the necessary shape, he says. "If you think of your printer and your ink cartridge, instead of using ink you're using cells and a gel."

Wake Forest is also investigating the possibility of "printing" skin cells directly onto burn wounds.

Stem Cells for Stroke Recovery

Neurologist Dr. Lawrence Wechsler of the University of Pittsburgh's Schools of the Health Sciences is in the early stages of exploring whether stem cells, injected directly into the brain, can aid stroke victims in their recovery.

The first step—now being tested in a clinical trial—is establishing that it's safe just to try the technique. If that goes well, Wechsler says, "then we can design a study that will more reasonably look at the issue of efficacy and clinical benefit."

Such therapies wouldn't "unparalyze" patients, he warns. But small improvements in function could yield big improvements in quality of life. "If you can begin to use your hand to grip something and do some small tasks," Wechsler says, "or gain enough strength in your leg to help you move from being in a wheelchair to walking in some way, that change is a huge benefit."

Growing an Artificial Heart

Perhaps the ultimate goal of regenerative medicine researchers is creating and transplanting a functioning bio-artificial heart.

Is it feasible? Building complex solid organs like the heart, liver, lungs, and pancreas is challenging, and a major issue will be "where do you get those hundreds of billions of cells to do this," says Taylor of the Texas Heart Institute.

But she adds, "we're making huge strides," and predicts that a transplant of one kind of bio-artificial solid complex organ will be possible within five years. "And if I have anything to say about it," Taylor says, "I will be there when it happens."

For more, see this month's National Geographic magazine cover story, "On Beyond 100." 

Sunday 3 February 2013

First moon landing by America is " FAKE "

Top 5 Reasons Why People Think the Moon Landings Were Faked

Over the years, many people have claimed that the moon landings were faked due to a variety of things, and we've rounded up five of the most common reasons - all of our descriptions are responses gathered from online forums, and not definitive explanations by any means. Yes, FOX even aired an entire special on this topic.

5. Spotlight:
The well-known photograph of Buzz Aldrin standing upright in the spotlight is a giveaway because he is actually being illuminated in a spotlight from supposed rays from the sun even though the terrain around him remains in darkness. Just how could the sun add a spotlight around a certain individual akin to a stagehand directing a spotlight on an actor or even performer on stage? This was undoubtedly a significant screw up, and NASA was reckless for believing that not a single person would realize or that they could get away with it. In fact, it was such a blunder that NASA even tried to cover it up by brightening the rest of the surface in subsequent versions of it.

4. Shadows:
The shadows diverge and converge in many of the moon landing pictures. A number of them also join at perpendicular 90 degree angles. This simply cannot be if there is merely one source of light, the sun, as NASA alleges . Under the sun, shadows run parallel to each other. They just do not converge or intersect . And so, there would have to have been one more light source, along the lines of fill lights utilized on a motion picture studio stage to balance out the lighting, because officially, the astronauts did not actually bring along any other light sources on them. Apollo defenders try to cop out of this by claiming that the slant of the surface, angle of the sun and perspective of the viewer can cause shadows to converge or diverge. However, many of these shadows are on objects close to each other, and there is no indication that the sun is at an extreme angle. Most of the shadow anomalies were on fairly level surfaces, and even on those that weren't, the slight slant was not enough to account for the distorted shadows.

3. Footprints
The snapshots of the astronaut bootprints on the moon dust should not be at all possible. Boot prints are only feasible if there is moistness in the sand or perhaps dirt . Having said that on the moon, there is not any moisture. As soon as a person steps on dry sand - for instance on sand dunes - no footprint is left and no ridges from the shoe or boot soles are embedded. All that's left is small dent in the sand. So this is a curious anomaly.

2. Halfway to the Moon
In Bart Sibrel's documentary "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon", a video recording is revealed of the Apollo 11 astronauts faking an image of the Earth from low orbit, while radioing to NASA that they were 130,000-miles from Earth, or halfway to the moon. The astronauts stated at some point in the clip that the camcorder was set up against the window. And yet an object obstructs the view of the purported distant Earth, along with a light structure can be viewed moving in the corner too, which isn't possible if the camera were situated against the window. When the lights go on, we see the blue light outside, which means they were either in low earth orbit, or in the daylight blue skies of Earth. In fact, the blue light can be seen from two separate windows in the command module.

1. Wires
In a number of the videos of the Apollo moon walks, you will notice wires installed on the astronauts, which sometimes even flicker in the light a couple of times. This can be viewed as smoking gun footage as well. To view them all, head over to YouTube and enter "moon hoax wires". But why would the astronauts need wires attached to them , unless they were in a staged movie studio?

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A planet of Diamonds..!!!

   Scientists discover massive planet made of diamonds

  55 Cancrie e visible with the naked eye from Earth.

The planet's surface is believe to be covered in diamonds and graphite

A planet which really does twinkle like a diamond in the sky has been discovered by scientists - its surface is littered with the precious stones.55 cancri e--- THE DIAMOND PLANET

The planet - called 55 Cancri e - has a radius double the size of Earths, and weighs eight times more. Whilst Earths surface is covered in water and granite, the new planet is thought to be covered in diamonds and graphite.

70 million old GEM.!!

  70 million-year-old fossil of a mollusk found

 Gem Ammonite, a 70 million-year-old fossil of a mollusk found in British Columbia.

Ammolite is one of the world’s rarest gems. 

It comes in  the full spectrum of colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. 

The quickly depleting world supply of Ammolite makes it a unique and memorable purchase. 70 million old GEM found.!!

Ammolite is known as Alberta’s Gemstone.

source->Did you Know?


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